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Showing posts from December, 2018


Company name: ANIMAL SNAP The mission statement for my own business (created by Eric Canal) My business is about Pet Photography, and it has to design a logo of Pet Photography include one of the animals for example dog or cat in it. Yet the company name is Animal Snap, you can add a camera, pets and play around with colors. It will be a Pet Photography shop where the customers can come to the store and give the order or the assignment to the photographer. And then they will go to the place where the customers want to or we already has a studio with different background and playground too, so we can get some nice pictures. overall it would be a locally owned shop.



Homework #7

The Designer tweaks famous logos to use less in, was written by Jacopo Prisco, it says it could big brands that save millions of dollars a year, and that can help them in presence of the environment just by slightly changing their logos. I really like the idea behind the design is that they can re-design the idea just by changing the logo little bit or the color that they are added. Boyer has started a campaign called "Eco branding" to demonstrate the idea. He said,” I was designing the birth announcement card. He will add some of the color in it which look good in the very artistic way, it was on computer that way its look good. Then he look at bill it was way more expensive than he thought. Then he decided to reduce the color number and then it was affordable. It says they would tweaking the design, not changing it entirely.   And besides, sometimes you need to mix things up and keep it fresh, too!

Homework #6

Written by Mike Kimberling of Tinder + Sparks, In September 2009, Neil Stansfield who was jailed for more than two years for buying own-brand supermarket food, repackaging it as organic produce, and selling it on at a huge markup. He did such thing that no one can do that. He purchased his own non-organic product and put the sticker on It as an organic food. After that he sold it in the market. People mostly get attracted towards good design and he had done really well. Perfect design, good idea he put it everything on it. That’s how many people purchased his food product because of good design. I read something about 7UP. The soda was made in 90s and it didn’t even taste like soda it tastes like lemon. So they complained about it, that means it was never change. That’s why logo the design the packaging can even fool you as in the good idea behind the design.

Homework #5

In this article, Dustin Stanton talks about how the production was started. They now started working on large scale business. We can relate so many things out of it. We can think of every different thing that we can think of it. The idea, what perspective they have, how did they design and etc. when he's stuck on a design he said, the design isn't "talking" to him It’s all about the person first impression and the view of the artist and his design. I saw the in that he took a picture of the particular thing and he actually used it. We’ve already worked on so many project, but I didn’t get the idea of it. The way he used his idea, I really like it, I must apply sometimes in future.

Homework #4

In the article "Everyone is altered," by Josh Dickey he writes about the design and all the form of alteration. I really like the idea behind this article or the design, it seems so interesting. The idea is to re-create the design that I really like it. They have design in the Photoshop and then they did it again in the movie. Like we can say re-touching the design. I have seen many people like they travel a long way to get the realistic picture. Though we can just create one in Photoshop. It’s all about passion and hard work towards success.

Homework #3

John hoke is the actual designer of Nike', and he is the chief of Nike design. It seems like he is really happy with his job, with having fun in all condition. For him, time is overwhelming in every situation, like everyone knows that sports have an impact. He had so many ideas with him with all type of idea he made a different design on shoes. when he was a teenager he already had few ideas about it. We all must think it might be frustrating at a time and stressful too. but, well he managed very well with his work. I think he is "Gift of God" like how he easily managed to construct the whole design into the shoes. and now Nike is the biggest brand in the whole world. However, that makes the perfect design and the good artist as he was already.

Homework #1

I was surprised when I read the article," Alice Rawsthorn". The article is based on London-Potholes, traffic jam, road closures, and snarky drivers. It has informed us everything about London traffic rules and regulations. No Left and Right turn are one of them. I can feel the frustration, the writer had. All the drivers look on a road sign and follow the rules. So, they also look at sign and signals, if there is something that attracts them or disturbs them, they get attracted first. Through this article, we get to know that “Diverted cyclists” is the actual sign what they use. The key to the good design what we called as the main idea or the perspective to the idea towards the design is the most important thing I have ever seen in the design. It should be as easy as people could understand clearly. Like in the given article "D" for a Diverted cyclist is capital and other alphabets are in small letters. That is really the wrong way and a poor design. It's so u...